National treasure, Matsue castle.
This article should be eligible for N4-N3 learners.
※Please listen to the script below before starting to read the article. I recommend you dictate all the words you can hear to improve your listening skill if possible.
※I underlined some grammar points you should know and explain them below this article.
今回 紹介 するのは 関西 地方 ではなく、 島根県 について です。
I visited Shimane prefecture at the beginning of the year so what I introduce here this time is not about Kansai region but Shimane prefecture.
About Shimane prefecture
まず ここでは 島根県 について 少し だけ 紹介 します。
島根県は 中国 地方 にあり、 広島県の 北 に 位置 しています。
また 、 多くの 伝説 がある 県 で 日本の 神々 の 昔話 の 舞台 も
出雲 について は 後の 記事 で 紹介 しようと思います。
First, I’ll introduce Shimane prefecture only a little here. Shimane prefecture is in the Chugoku region and located in the north of Hiroshima prefecture. Besides, it is the prefecture that has a lot of legends and the stage of old stories of gods in Japan is also the region called “Izumo” in this Shimane prefecture. I plan to introduce “Izumo” in the following article.
国宝 松江城
National treasure, Matsue castle
松江城は 千鳥城とも 呼ばれています。
松江城の 見た目 は 黒 っぽい ので 、 他の 城と 少し ちがいます。
私は その 黒さ が 好きです。
There is the castle named Matsue castle in Matsue city. From the fact that the form of the castle seen from above seems like a plover, the Matsue castle is also called plover castle. Because the appearance of the Matsue castle seems blackish, it’s a bit different from other castles. I like that blackness.
Izumo soba

そのそばを 食べられるお 店 を見つけました。
その店は 人気 で お 客 さんが たくさん並んでいましたが、
本当に おいしかったので、 みなさんも 島根県を
Soba is very famous in Izumo city of Shimane prefecture. But I found the restaurant that I can eat that soba in Matsue city before going in Izumo city. That restaurant is popular and a lot of customers was waiting for it but I could eat it more faster than I thought. It was really good so please try to eat it by all means when you visit Shimane prefecture.
For more information about Matsue castle.⇩
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