N3 例文から学ぶJLPT


I will explain the questions from practice test.

問題文もんだいぶん :

アルバイトのめんせつは 来週の 土曜日だ。

  1. 面接
  2. 面投
  3. 両接
  4. 両投

正解せいかいは…(The answer is…)

1.面接 です。

The translation of the sentence in English is

“The job interview is on next Friday.”

*The last three options of this question aren’t used in those ways.

The usages of Kanjis in this question

面 means “surface” or “face”. On-reading めん Kun-reading おも/つら



We need to talk face to face.

ひさしぶりにかれったけど、 むかしの*面影おもかげはなかった。

I saw him for the first time in a while but his look had completely changed.

めんかって…face to face


接 means “connection” On-reading せつ Kun-reading つ(ぐ)


接続せつぞくが ちょっとわるいね。

The connection is a bit bad.

あの会社かいしゃ技術ぎじゅつは すごい。

The technology to connect woods of that company is amazing.

両 means “both”. On-reading りょう Kun-reading none


A : コーヒーかおちゃ、 どっちがき? Which do you like, coffee or tea?

B : わたしは 両方りょうほう き。 I like both.

投 means “throw/toss”. On-reading とう Kun-reading な(げる)


あの投手とうしゅは バッティングも素晴すばららしい。 

That pitcher also has the superb batting skill.

どのくらい とおくまで ボールを げれる?

How far can you throw a ball?

Pay attention to which kanji is really true for the questions. There are some trap questions like this in JLPT. See carefully and pick up the proper one.

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