あげる くれる もらう の ちがい

The differences between あげる, くれる and もらう

This should be one of the difficult grammar points for leaners to understand. The things you need to understand to master those three are as follows :

  1. The translation of both あげる and くれる are “give” but もらう is “receive”.
  1. Leaners need to understand the concept of ウチ(Inside) and ソト(Outside) in order to properly use あげる and くれる depending on situations.

もらう receive

1. Receiver は Giver に(から) something receiver is gifted を もらう。

もらう is used when people receive something from someone.

(わたしは) 兄に ゲームを もらいました。

I received TV game from my older brother.

妹は 先生から 宿題を たくさん もらいました。

My younger sister received a lot of homework from her teacher.

2. Receiver は Giver に(から) something receiver is gifted を te-from of verbs + もらう。

Also, もらう is used with te-form of verbs for something gifted by others to indicate the appreciation.

今日 わたしは 先生に 日本語を おしえてもらいました。

I received teaching of Japanese from my teacher today.

(My teacher taught me Japanese today.)

明日 (わたしは) 彼に 新しい車を 見せてもらいます。

I’ll receive showing of his new car from him tomorrow.

(He will show me his new car tomorrow.)

あげる くれる give

1. あげる

1.Giver は Receiver に gift or present を あげる。

This is used when people give something to someone.

わたしは 友達に おにぎりを あげました。

I gave my friend a race ball.

2.Giver は Receiver に te-form of verbs + あげる

Also, this is used when people do something for someone.

(わたしは) 友達に 日本語を 教えてあげました。

I taught my friend Japanese.

2. くれる

1. Giver は Receiver に gift or present を くれる。

This is used when people give something to someone.

誕生日に 母は わたしに プレゼントを くれました。

My mum gave me a present on my birthday.  

2. Giver は Receiver に te-form of verbs + くれる。

Also, this is used when people do something for someone.

先生は わたしに たくさん たいせつなことを 教えてくれました。

My teacher taught me a lot of important things.

As of now, these two seem same. However, there are the things needing to care about when constructing sentences with あげる and くれる. The ways of using are separated depending on situations. It’s necessary for leaners to understand the concept of 自分, ウチ and ソト to master them.

People classified into ウチ(Inside) are yourself and people having close relationships with you such as family members and friends. Except for those people, all people are classified into ソト(Outside).

There are three positions which are 自分(oneself), ウチ(Inside) and ソト(Outside).

自分 oneself

ウチ family, friends etc.

ソト colleague, boss, teacher, strangers etc.

あげる is used in 4 patterns as below :

  1. When gifts or presents moving from 自分 to ウチ

わたしは 弟に チョコレートを あげました。(わたし=自分/弟=ウチ)

I gave chocolates to my younger brother. 

  1. When gifts or presents moving from 自分 to ソト

わたしは 先生に プレゼントを あげました。(わたし=自分/先生=ソト)

I gave a present to my teacher.

  1. When gifts or presents moving from ウチ to ソト

私の母は 後輩に おかしを あげました。(私の母=ウチ/後輩=ソト)

My mom gave snacks to her subordinate.

  1. When gifts or presents moving from ソト to ソト

社長は 秘書に 仕事を あげました。(社長=ソト/秘書=ソト)

The company president gave tasks to his secretary.

くれる is used in 3 patterns as below :

  1. When gifts or presents moving from ウチ to 自分

父が (わたしに) 自転車を くれました。

My dad gave me a bicycle.

  1. When gifts or presents moving from ソト to 自分

店員さんが (わたしに) 水を くれました。

A staff at the restaurant gave me some water.

  1. When gifts or presents moving from ソト to ウチ

同僚が わたしの息子に 飴を くれました。

My colleague gave my son candies.

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